Roads and bridges Projects
Paving and Construction of The neighborhood streets -Beit alafif unit(B455-459)
Asphelt Works and Rehablitition of Gholeel streets- Hodiadah Gov.
Asphelt Works and road construction of Mashhoor -Ghawah - Lahj Gov.
Asphelt Works of (B1+B2) -Alsabeen Zone
Asphelt Works of the Republican Guard- Aden Gov.
Asphelt Works and Paving of the interior streets of the neighborhood unit (334) -Alsabeen zone)
Asphelt Works and Paving of the interior streets of the neighborhood unit (233) -AlSafyah zone)
Rehablitation and Asphelt Works of the main streets in first zone in the capital (22 May st-Alasbohee st..etc)
Rehabilitation and Asphelt Works of some streets of the Alwahaddah Zone
Asphelt Works of some streets of the AlMaaeen Zone in the capital
Asphelt Works the some streets Sawad Hanash, and some streets in the Eastern Jeraf neighborhood
Asphelt Works of some streets in the capital
Rehabilitation and Asphelt Works of some streets in the capital (Alhasabah Bus Stops )
Rehabilitation and improvments of main streets in the capital south of Alzoberee st.